What Lies Within (Book Review)

What Lies Within recieved a fantastic review from The RedheadedBookLover!
“As What Lies Within is a truly sensational, gripping story I have no choice but to award this gripping tale a majestic Five Stars! If you are a reader, who is looking for the next best crime/serial killer story that this is the one for you… it would be a crime not to read it!”
My take on The RedHeadedBookLover:
Professional, Prompt, and Cordial. After starting with two P-words , I really wanted to complete the alliteration, but Cordial is (by far) the best adjective I could conjure to describe Aimee Ann. Cordial: courteous and gracious; friendly; warm — the perfect way to describe my interactions with The RedheadedBookLover.
I am proud to have my book represented on Aimee Ann’s blog and would encourage any authors considering the RedheadedBookLover’s services to engage her immediately.

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